Persoane interesate

joi, 15 august 2013

Adormirea Maicii Domnului- Mănăstirea Nicula, 14-15 August 2013

9 comentarii:

  1. In fircare an mai mare fastul si mai putina lume la manastire :(

    1. Dupa parerea mea, numarul celor care merg la Nicula a ramas constant in ultimii ani. Fastul a crescut doar prin organizarea pelerinajului de la Gherla in frunte cu mitropolitul, in rest la manastire e la fel, nu s-a introdus nimic nou.

  2. My compliments forr this wonderful serie photo's..... thanks for sharing this with us.

    Greetings, Joop

    Have you seen already my other blog " Photo's in big size " you are welcome.

  3. Excelente pozele
    Au mutat icoana in manastirea noua?

  4. Hi Ioan, how you doing? Thanks for sharing your very well taken pictures, they are excellent. Glad to know more about your country culture. I always enjoyed your photography. :))

    Have a great weekend, my dear friend. Regards.

  5. I read the text of assumption in the monastery. For us, this means that you will be living in the monastery and nun. I see a lot of monks with you in the picture. The monastery itself looks quite nice.
    Sincerely, Helma


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