Persoane interesate

sâmbătă, 20 octombrie 2012

Lansarea cărţii "Ion Apostol Popescu. Viaţa şi opera" la Liceul "Petru Maior" Gherla, 20 octombrie 2012

6 comentarii:

  1. Hello Ioan
    That are great pictures specialy for the people on that pictures.
    Greetings Bets

  2. Photos very good ... I like the colors and compositions. Congratulations!

  3. I understand that the book of "Apostle John Smith goes, but it is in a church or just a room. Very nice photos you have taken and the people in them are very nice about it.

    Kind regards, Helma

  4. Ion Apostol Popescu is a romanian writer, in his honor wrote a book that was launched in Gherla...
    Many greetings!


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