Persoane interesate

vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Balul Bobocilor, Liceul "Ana Ipatescu" Gherla , 4 noiembrie 2011 3

8 comentarii:

  1. My dear friend Ioan, hi
    I saw you all the posts with these wonderful YOUTH!
    What beautiful girls and boys, smiling, joy and our hope!
    many greetings

  2. I could feel the joy, laughter and fun radiating from these images.
    Beautiful, just beautiful.

  3. Imi plac pozele, ai redat foarte bine atmosfera. Se pare ca partea cu scenetele a fost foarte amuzanta

  4. You have really captured all the joy and fun the young people were having.

  5. Magda, Gemel, Carrie, thank you so much!
    Hapi, a fost un bal foarte reusit! Eu cu pozele m-am straduit...
    Catalin, nu stiu, dar n-a fost ranit nimeni:))

  6. Foarte frumos, atmosfera incarcata de buna dispozitie!


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