Persoane interesate

marți, 11 octombrie 2011

Comemorarea Holocaustului, Liceul "Petru Maior", 11 octombrie 2011

8 comentarii:

  1. si ziceati ca se numeste pasiune , bun inteleg , dar aici care e faza ?

    niste "plozi" adunati sa vada niste poze , ura ! bun , mai bine puneti cv interesant , astea nu au nici un rost

  2. Yes - we will never forget !

    An attentive audience - the young must also learn from the past so the horrors are never repeated nor allowed to be repeated !

  3. A time of monumental horrors, I shudder every time I think of how people were treated, at the cruelty and lack of respect and love for them by those who were in control.
    May such things never happen again.

  4. Hello Ioan

    Very intersting picture, very good that the young people learn about thiscomment on my blog.
    Greetings Bets

  5. thank you for your comment and welcome to "shoot me"!

  6. Rick, Gemel, Bets, Marco, thank you very much for your comments!

  7. Radu, o să îţi spun simplu şi frumos, înainnte de a mai comenta vreo poză cumpără-ţi o batista şi sterge-ţi mucii (scuzaţi expresia românească).

  8. Ce dor mi se face de Patru Maior cand vad pozele tale!


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